Chuhuyiv family doctors learnt new trends in SARS and flu treatment

On 22 June 2016 Andriy Penkov, President of the Ukrainian-German Medical Association, pediatrician of the highest category, MD, carried out seminars "SARS and flu in preschool-aged children" and "Obstructive states". The pediatrician talked about the four levels of protection against bacteria and viruses in hospitals, said that 80% of infections are transmitted through the hands of health care workers and carelessly cleaned phonendoscope.

“The pediatricians calm parents and explain them that during SARS treatment and prevention, children immunity is formed, and 10-12 diseases in a year it is normal in developed countries. The immunological interference in this process can affect in an unknown way”, - stressed Andriy Penkov and suggested refusing practices of reassuring in treatment when doctors prescribe antibiotics immediately without blood test confirmation.

Andriy Penkov disproved the myth that cough and temperature are the criteria of infection complication. From his point of view, the criteria of infection complication are child’s sleepiness, pale skin and child’s denials to drink and play games.

“We cannot nowadays "cure" without intra muscular injection in the hospital, - said pediatrician – Even if this treatment is aggressive and contrary to common sense. But we can change our outlook based on current world knowledge”.

Seminars are conducted under the project "Transformation of primary health care in Chuhuyiv" financed by the International Renaissance Foundation.

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